Ace Combat Zero Perfect Guide: Ace Pilot Profiles
12/22/2020 - Translations of pages 175-188 of the Ace Combat Zero Perfect Guide. The Ace Pilot Profile section of the book focuses on the allied and enemy ace pilots seen in Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War. Information about their lives and military careers are described.
TaskForce23 performed the translation of text from Japanese to English with the scans of the pages from Ribbon-Blue. Recreations of the identification cards by Cae Lumis (Project Lighthouse) were utilized to design this page to match the style of the scanned pages of the guide. The scanned pages are included with these translations, next to the identification cards.
The ID cards in particular have had extensive effort put into them. They have been faithfully recreated with bar codes, expiration dates and more. All of these details which are hard to read on the source material pages unless seen at maximum zoom. This effort goes down to even the most minute detail. For example, the golden deltas on the Belkan identifications cards were found not to be a single color, but textured in design. This detail was cross-referenced using the guide pages under a magnifying glass and an existing image of Detlef Fleisher from the game Ace Combat Zero, which displayed his military rank and insignia. Careful observation under high magnification shows shading on the deltas themselves, which gives away that detail.

Crow 3
Patrick James Becket
Ustio Air Force / 6th Air Division / 4th Air Force Unit
Call Sign: Crow 3
TAC Name: “PJ”
Nick Name: “PJ”
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-22
Nationality: Osea
Affiliation: Ustio Air Force 6th Air Division 4th Air Force Unit “Crow”
Rank: First Lieutenant
Aircraft Used: F-16C Fighting Falcon
Personality/Principles: Justice is fighting to protect
Educational Background: High school graduate
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): -
Pet Phrase/Accent: -
Family Structure: Family runs a bakery. Has two parents and two younger sisters.
Favorite Things/Hobbies: Polo, tinkering with motorcycles. Vintage comic collection.
Remarks: -
After graduating high school, he goes on a trip around the Osean continent via motorcycle.
One day, approximately half a year into his trip, he meets a pilot renowned as a hero in a certain country. Inspired by the pilot, he volunteers to become a mercenary pilot and enters training school as soon as he returned home.
December 1994, he is assigned to Ustio’s Valais Airbase and becomes a member of Crow Team. Being the youngest on the airbase, he was well-liked by everyone.
Apparently he had a lover close to his age at the base.
December 31 1995, is killed during the operation to annihilate the coup d’état. It was approximately one year since his first battle.
Even now, on the anniversary of his death, there are sightings of a woman who places flowers at his crash site.

Galm 2
Larry "Pixy" Foulke
Ustio Air Force / 6th Air Division / 66th Air Force Unit
Call Sign: Galm 2
TAC Name: “Pixy”
Nick Name: “Solo Wing Pixy”, Solo "Wing"
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-26 / At time of interview-36
Nationality: Unknown
Affiliation: Ustio Air Force 6th Air Division 66th Air Force Unit “Galm”
Rank: First Lieutenant
Aircraft Used: F-15C Eagle -> ADFX-02 Morgan
Personality/Principles: Blunt. Cool and dry. Believes that “Those who survive are cowards, those who die are just stupid. There is neither justice or evil in war.” Only has pride in his work as a mercenary.
Educational Background: -
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): Volunteer soldier
Pet Phrase/Accent: -
Family Structure: -
Favorite Things/Hobbies: Reading, especially travelogues.
Remarks: -
Chased out of his homeland due to war during his childhood. Both parents died in the conflict.
Spent his childhood in an orphanage and after leaving, made a living as a mercenary pilot.
Participated in war for money and never stayed in one place for long as he moved from each battlefield.
He lost a wing during combat in 1993, but still managed to accomplish the mission and safely return to base despite the inability to fly normally earning him the name “Solo Wing Pixy.” To commemorate the incident, one wing of his beloved F-15C was always painted red from that point forward.
1994, he joins Ustio’s foreign mercenary squadron. He achieved great success with his colleague Cipher and became feared as a legendary mercenary among soldiers on the battlefield. During that time, he is invited to join in the creation of an “ideal army” by Bristow, a longtime acquaintance.
Though he felt a sense of belonging in Ustio, he was tired of the despicable fighting on both sides of the war, and decided to join. The 7 nuclear detonations gave further motivation and he left Ustio.
The “ideal army” would later surface as a coup d’état force called “A World With No Boundaries,” and took over the V2 experimental facility. V2 was still in the prototype stage but it was said to have been able to wipe out all major cities in almost any nation.
Their goal was to destroy major cities on the Osean continent as well as the underground resource excavation facilities, paralyzing urban functions and the economy, leading to a regression in the level of civilization and thus a reset of human society.
However, the V2 launch was stopped by the Allied Forces. He would be defeated by the Ustio mercenary in an aerial battle but survived. He would never take to the skies again and currently continues his fight as a volunteer soldier in a small country in Usea.

Rot 1
Detlef "Red Swallow" Fleisher
Belkan Air Force / 2nd Air Division / 52nd Tactical Fighter Squadron
Call Sign: Rot 1
TAC Name: Stolz (“Pride”)
Nick Name: “Red Swallow”
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-28 / At time of interview-38
Nationality: Belka
Affiliation: Belkan Air Force 2nd Air Division 52nd Tactical Fighter Squadron “Rot”
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Aircraft Used: Typhoon
Personality/Principles: A tough soldier. Believes that war should be fought for the pride of one’s own country, and thus hates mercenaries.
Educational Background: After graduating from the military academy, joined the Belkan Air Force
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): College Professor
Pet Phrase/Accent: “I will not be like my father”
Family Structure: Father is a famous politician. Youngest of 4 brothers.
Favorite Things/Hobbies: Collects Oriental military literature
Remarks: -
1967, born in Dinsmark, Belka.
1990, joins the Belkan Air Force. An elite who graduated top of the class from the military academy. Becomes an officer at a young age.
Brimming with patriotism, he blindly believes in Belka’s legitimacy. For that reason, he is not content with desk duty and wishes to be transferred to the front lines. Taking account of his career and handsome appearance, the military approves the transfer because of his usefulness in propaganda.
1994, at Belkan Priority One Strategic Airspace B7R, he shoots down 3 planes in his first mission. Subsequently shoots down 5 more on the next battle. Gains fame and title of youngest Belkan ace. Afterwards is called the “Red Swallow” and succeeds as the undefeated ace of Area B7R.
April 20 1995, he fights against a mercenary squadron over the same airspace. Result: shot down by what he hates most, a mercenary.
The once undefeated and young ace then chose to become a base commander after falling, perhaps due to his excessive pride.
After the war, he was found guilty as a war criminal, but was exempted from punishment. Later would remain in Belka and become a professor of history at the University of Dinsmark at the capital.

Grun 1
Bernhard "Owl" Schmidt
Belkan Air Force / 10th Air Division / 8th Tactical Fighter Squadron
Call Sign: Grun 1
TAC Name: Rowdy
Nick Name: “Owl”
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-30 / At time of interview-40
Nationality: Belka
Affiliation: Belkan Air Force 10th Air Division 8th Tactical Fighter Squadron “Grun”
Rank: Captain
Aircraft Used: F/A-18C Hornet
Personality/Principles: -
Educational Background: High school graduate
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): Manager at a bar
Pet Phrase/Accent: -
Family Structure: Father died during childhood. Lived with mother and little sister
Favorite Things/Hobbies: Video games
Remarks: -
Originally a low-level thug in the city. Inspired by a political party speech on a city street, he awakened to a new sense of patriotism.
1990, joins the Belkan Air Force.
Achieved success by adapting to the flow of battle and established himself as an ace.
His great ability to read the battlefield earned him the title of “a man with the eyes of an owl.”
Afterwards, he led the Grun Team, made up of other troublemakers on the frontlines. Becomes quite the unique unit in the more traditional Belkan Air Force.
April 20 1995, Shot down by a Ustio mercenary squadron over the Round Table.
Later would return to the front lines to fight until the end of the war. However due to the dismantling of the military post-war, would return to his hometown of Sudentor. Currently lives life as he did before joining the military.

Indigo 1
Dimitri "Indigo Heron" Heinreich
Belkan Air Force / 7th Air Division / 51st Tactical Fighter Squadron
Call Sign: Indigo 1
TAC Name: Baron
Nick Name: “Indigo Heron”
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-35 / At time of interview-45
Nationality: Belka
Affiliation: Belkan Air Force 7th Air Division 51st Tactical Fighter Squadron “Indigo”
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Aircraft Used: JAS-39C Gripen
Personality/Principles: Respects chivalry
Educational Background: -
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): Managing the family trading company
Pet Phrase/Accent: -
Family Structure: Father is President of the trading company
Favorite Things/Hobbies: Vintage wine collection, fishing
Remarks: -
Born into the Heinreich family, descendants of the Belkan Knights whose origin starts in the Middle Ages.
An aristocrat but joins the military from patriotic desire to protect Belka’s legitimacy.
Earned the name “Indigo Heron” for both his precise and graceful flying, and his squadron became known as “the Indigo Knights.”
April 20 1995, ordered to fly hastily to B7R from the Eastern Front. Fights the mercenary squadron in the airspace and is shot down.
He survived but suffered major injuries and was hospitalized. In a coma for 3 months, he drifted around the line between life and death.
When he woke up, the war was already over and he left the hospital. Currently, he manages the family trading company and busy days follow.

Gelb 2
Rainer "Cormorant" Altman
Belkan Air Force / 5th Air Division / 23rd Tactical Fighter Squadron
Call Sign: Gelb 2
TAC Name: Schreiben (“write”)
Nick Name: “Cormorant”
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-32 / At time of interview-42
Nationality: Belka
Affiliation: Belkan Air Force 5th Air Division 23rd Tactical Fighter Squadron “Gelb”
Rank: First Lieutenant
Aircraft Used: Su-37 Terminator
Personality/Principles: -
Educational Background: -
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): Writer
Pet Phrase/Accent: -
Family Structure: 2005 onward has a wife and daughter
Favorite Things/Hobbies: -
Remarks: -
1988, joins Belkan Air Force after graduating from the academy.
May 13 1995, received an order to stop the liberation of Ustio’s capital and flew to Directus. Fought the mercenary squadron there but was shot down. His lead’s plane exploded mid-air with no survivors. After bailing out, he was saved by a local family.
Recovering from his wounds, he moves in with the family and helps with reconstruction efforts. The head of the family (father) had already died during the war, leaving a mother and daughter. He decides to help them out with daily life.
Afterwards, he does not return to Belka and eventually marries the widow. Remaining in Directus, he takes up a profession as a writer. A war novel he had been writing as a hobby since joining the military became a bestseller and is currently continuing work on a sequel.

Schwarze Leader
Rainer "Cormorant" Altman
Belkan Air Force / 13th Night Fighter Air Division / 6th Tactical Fighter Squadron
Call Sign: Schwarze Leader
TAC Name: Tot (“Dead”)
Nick Name: “Vulture”
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-38 / At time of interview-48
Nationality: Yuktobania
Affiliation: Belkan Air Force 13th Night Fighter Air Division 6th Tactical Fighter Squadron “Schwarze”
Rank: Captain
Aircraft Used: MiG-31 Foxhound
Personality/Principles: “The more bad you are, the longer you live”
Educational Background: -
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): Smuggler
Pet Phrase/Accent: Yuke accent
Family Structure: -
Favorite Things/Hobbies: -
Remarks: -
1985, fights as a mercenary in the many conflicts around Yuktobania. His attitude of sacrificing allies and completely running down enemies struck fear on all sides.
1989. learning of his actions, top officials in the Belkan Air Force take notice. Offered a large sum of money, he joined the Belkan Air Force in 1990.
Hoping to improve morale and hating using their own nationals to kill each other, top officials made an announcement.
The only one of its kind in the Belkan Air Force, Schwarze, a squadron that includes foreigners, is created.
Despised and held in fearful awe, he became known as the “Vulture” on the battlefield.
After the war, he fled to escape prosecution for war crimes. He is being hunted as an escaped killer.
Currently, he is involved in smuggling activities in Osea.

Schnee 1
Erich "Phoenix" Hillenberand
Belkan Air Force / 22nd Air Division / 4th Tactical Fighter Squadron
Call Sign: Schnee 1
TAC Name: “Phoenix”
Nick Name: “Phoenix”
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-40 / At time of interview-50
Nationality: Belka
Affiliation: Belkan Air Force 22nd Air Division 4th Tactical Fighter Squadron “Schnee”
Rank: First Lieutenant
Aircraft Used: F-14D Super Tomcat
Personality/Principles: Enjoys fighting rather than war itself
Educational Background: -
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): Flight instructor
Pet Phrase/Accent: -
Family Structure: Has wife and two sons
Favorite Things/Hobbies: Jogging 10km every morning
Remarks: -
1980, joins the Belkan Air Force. As the regime changed frequently, he did not belong to any particular group in the military, and sought to be just a regular fighter pilot.
He had no great ambitions but loved fighter planes and was called the “eternal first lieutenant.” However, he had the absolute trust of his subordinates.
March 1995, he achieved great success on the front lines during the early stages of the Belkan war.
May 28 1995, was shot down in a battle over B7R by a Ustio mercenary squadron. He wandered the wasteland for 3 days and made it back to base. Thereafter, he became known as a “man who cannot die.”
Afterwards, he would continue fighting in the war in various places, but Belka was defeated. He is exempted from charges of being a war criminal and retires from the military.
Currently, he works as an instructor at a civilian aircraft flight training school in a territory that is under Osean jurisdiction.

Silber 1
Dietrich "Boss" Kellerman
Belkan Air Force / 51st Air Division / 126th Tactical Fighter Squadron
Call Sign: Silber 1
TAC Name: “Landwirt” (“Farmer”)
Nick Name: “Boss”
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-48 / At time of interview-58
Nationality: Belka
Affiliation: Belkan Air Force 51st Air Division 126th Tactical Fighter Squadron “Silber”
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Aircraft Used: F-4E Phantom II
Personality/Principles: -
Educational Background: -
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): Farmer
Pet Phrase/Accent: -
Family Structure: -
Favorite Things/Hobbies: Single malt whiskey. Currently does not drink.
Remarks: -
1973, joins the Belkan Air Force. Gains great success in many theaters of war, earning the title of Belka’s top ace and the name “Silver Eagle.”
1990, feeling the wear on his body, he retired from the front lines and became a flight instructor at the air force academy. There he was feared among students as a strict instructor.
1995, to bolster morale, the Belkan Air Force sends him to the front lines once more.
The air force assigned him to a squadron of pilots who had just barely finished training, graduates of the Academy’s 9th Special Curriculum “Kellerman Institution,” his own students.
May 28 of the same year, he engages in battle over the Round Table against a Ustio mercenary squadron and is shot down. All his students were killed in action. Though safely returning to base, he would never take to the skies again and subsequently retires.
Post-war, he is tried as a war criminal, but received a light sentence. The Osean military tried to recruit him, most likely to strengthen their air force, but he declined. Currently he lives quietly in the countryside.

Espada 2
Marcera "Macarena" Vasquez
Sapin Air Force / 9th Air Division / 11th Tactical Fighter Squadron
Call Sign: Espada 2
TAC Name: “Macarena”
Nick Name: -
Sex: Female
Age: At time of war-27 / At time of interview-37
Nationality: Sapin
Affiliation: Sapin Air Force 9th Air Division 11th Tactical Fighter Squadron “Espada”
Rank: First Lieutenant
Aircraft Used: Rafale M
Personality/Principles: Latinesque, firm attitude. Slightly harsh tone.
Educational Background: -
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): Dancer
Pet Phrase/Accent: -
Family Structure: -
Favorite Things/Hobbies: -
Remarks: -
1970, born in Gran Rugido, the capital of the Kingdom of Sapin.
Lost both parents to war and joins a mercenary squadron in retribution. There she meets a mercenary called the “Flaming Bull.” In contrast to the overpowering flying style of the bull, it was said her graceful, supporting maneuvers was like she was performing a dance.
In the Belkan War, she fought with the Allied Forces at the southern Hydrian Line and other areas with great success. Around this time her beliefs about war and retribution changes to be in line with those of the Bull.
During the middle of the war, joint allied operations with Osea grew more frequent. There the Bull meets Bristow and they come to a mutual understanding. He decides to help Bristow in the creation of an “ideal army.”
October 1995, the two disappeared from the mercenary base along with their planes.
December 25 1995, she engaged with the Ustio mercenary squadron. Both Espada planes are shot down. The fate of the lead plane is unknown.
Left alone, she returned to her home in Gran Rugido and became a dancer at a bar.

Sorcerer 1
Anthony "Bedivere" Palmer
Osean Air Defense Force / 8th Air Division / 32nd Tactical Fighter Squadron
Call Sign: Sorcerer 1
TAC Name: “Bedivere”
Nick Name: -
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-32 / At time of interview-42
Nationality: Osea
Affiliation: Osean Air Defense Force 8th Air Division 32nd Tactical Fighter Squadron “Sorcerer”
Rank: First Lieutenant
Aircraft Used: F-15 S/MTD
Personality/Principles: Very serious. Has high loyalty.
Educational Background: -
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): Works at an insurance company
Pet Phrase/Accent: -
Family Structure: -
Favorite Things/Hobbies: -
Remarks: -
1986, joins the Osean military. Served as Captain Bristow’s right hand man in the same unit and succeeded on many battlefields.
1995, became flight lead of Sorcerer, a detachment of Wizard flight, and was dispatched to the Belkan War. Participated in Operation Battle-Axe at Area B7R. Along with Wizard, achieves great success.
June 6 of the same year, he and Captain Bristow deserts at the Battle of Waldreich. Due to his activities with the captain, he is thought to be a high-ranked member of “A World With No Boundaries,” and is under Osean Central Intelligence Agency surveillance.
March 1996, he was found lurking in a south Belkan town in the mountains. He returned to Osea for a court martial.
He currently works at an insurance company in Oured.

Gault 1
Anton "Dr." Kupchenko
Belkan Air Force / 18th Air Division / 5th Tactical Fighter Squadron
Call Sign: Gault 1
TAC Name: “Shadow”
Nick Name: “Doctor”
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-47
Nationality: Belka
Affiliation: Belkan Air Force 18th Air Division 5th Tactical Fighter Squadron “Gault”
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Aircraft Used: Su-47 Berkut
Personality/Principles: Calm. A tactician who gave precise instructions and had a way with words that attracted people around him.
Educational Background: -
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): -
Pet Phrase/Accent: -
Family Structure: -
Favorite Things/Hobbies: -
Remarks: -
1970, joins the Belkan Air Force. Achieved success and fame in many wars and reigned as Belka’s top ace. At his peak, he was nicknamed “the Golden Woodpecker.”
1985, being competent in engineering and showing age, he transferred to the weapons development department. He starts work on Project Pendragon, a part of Belka’s national defense plan. This project included a “chemical laser cannon” and a “mass retaliation weapon” among other things and Belka’s industrial strength became known worldwide. However, due to economic troubles that had been plaguing Belka since the 80’s, Project Pendragon was halted due to its enormous cost. Some prototypes were realized, but most remained at the conception stage as blueprints.
January 1994, the military sends him to the front lines as a commander in the territorial expansion of Belka.
March 1995, he and a portion of his forces disappears. A large-scale search party was dispatched, but they could not find him.
A month later, the Belkan Air Force announces their defeat. However, there are rumors of him being a secret leader in “A World With No Boundaries.”
The scale and rapid development of the coup d’état lead many to believe Belkan officers were heavily involved. It is thought that he helped supply information about the 7 nuclear detonations and mass retaliation weapon (V2) in advance.
December 31 1995, a corpse is found outside of Area B7R. The body was carried back to his hometown and was respectfully buried by his subordinates at the time.

Wizard 1
Joshua "Lucan" Bristow
Osean Air Defense Force / 8th Air Division / 32nd Tactical Fighter Squadron
Call Sign: Wizard 1
TAC Name: “Lucan”
Nick Name: “the Blue Magician”
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-36 / At time of interview-46
Nationality: Osea
Affiliation: Osean Air Defense Force 8th Air Division 32nd Tactical Fighter Squadron “Wizard”
Rank: Captain
Aircraft Used: YF-23A Black Widow II
Personality/Principles: Silent. A deep thinker and has philosophical thoughts. Often pulls quotes relating to philosophy from books and poems.
Educational Background: -
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): -
Pet Phrase/Accent: -
Family Structure: -
Favorite Things/Hobbies: Reading
Remarks: -
1983, joins the Osean Air Defense Force. He was quickly recognized for his skills and became a top ace. He gains the nickname “the Blue Magician.”
However, he often ignored mission orders, and was punished by his superiors.
1995, deployed to the Belkan War. His rogue actions that violated orders become more and more apparent.
Additionally, it is found that he had been in contact with enemy officers during the Belkan War and is rumored to be one of the founders of “A World With No Boundaries.”
June 6 that same year, he disappears without participating in the Battle of Waldreich. His whereabouts remained unclear for a year. He went uncaptured after the coup d’état was suppressed and returned to Osea.
Afterwards he would continue covert guerilla operations in an underground organization. Tries to quickly rebuild “A World With No Boundaries.”
However, in 1999 he was arrested after some followers leaked information on him. Currently is serving time in an Osean prison.

Gelb 1
Herbet Yager
Belkan Air Force / 5th Air Division / 23rd Tactical Fighter Squadron
Call Sign: Gelb 1
TAC Name: -
Nick Name: “Cormorant”
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-36
Nationality: Belka
Affiliation: Belkan Air Force 5th Air Division 23rd Tactical Fighter Squadron “Gelb”
Rank: -
Aircraft Used: Su-37 Terminator
Personality/Principles: -
Educational Background: -
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): -
Pet Phrase/Accent: -
Family Structure: -
Favorite Things/Hobbies: -
Remarks: -
1984, joins the Belkan Air Force. Becomes the captain of Gelb Team, called the “Coupled Cormorants.”
As a rare two-ship squadron in the Belkan Air Force, it engaged mainly in interception missions along the southern defense line (Hydrian Line).
He would study aerial tactics daily, and it was said there were few in the Belkan Air Force who could fly the Su-37 as well as he could.
1995, was shot down over the Ustio capital Directus. His plane exploded mid-air, killing him.
Espada 1
Alberto Lopez
Sapin Air Force / 9th Air Division / 11th Tactical Fighter Squadron
Call Sign: Espada 1
TAC Name: “Trero”
Nick Name: “Flaming Bull,” “Bull”
Sex: Male
Age: At time of war-36
Nationality: Sapin
Affiliation: Sapin Air Force 9th Air Division 11th Tactical Fighter Squadron “Espada”
Rank: Captain
Aircraft Used: J35J Draken
Personality/Principles: -
Educational Background: -
Occupation After Retirement (from air force): -
Pet Phrase/Accent: -
Family Structure: -
Favorite Things/Hobbies: -
Remarks: -
As a mercenary ace in the Sapin Air Force, was feared as the “Flaming Bull.”
1995, initially fought in the Belkan War as a member of the Allied Forces. However, after the war he immediately left the base where he was stationed.
December 25 of the same year, his plane was confirmed to be seen over the south Belkan city of Lumen. His whereabouts thereafter remain unclear.