As Flight Sim Expo (FSE) 2021 draws near, anticipation for the event continues to build. With many well-known exhibitors, speakers, and sponsors announced, the brief descriptions of events and seminars on the expo's schedule and the recent question and answer live stream seem to be the only things event-goers have to hold them over for now. But this isn't necessarily the case.
While Flight Sim Expo 2021 has adapted the event format to include more free and paid online events because of the ongoing impact of COIVD-19 across the globe, parts of FSE 2018 and 2019 were thoroughly recorded in video. For enthusiasts planning to attend this year's expo or people with an interest who want to get a feel for what FSE is, these videos from yesteryear are a good example of what to expect from FSE 2021 in just a few months.
While there is plenty of footage of FSE from content creators and media outlets, Flight Sim Expo itself provides many videos directly to viewers around the globe. Available on their YouTube channel are playlists with more than 50 videos from the first and second years of FSE. These include product announcements and interviews with exhibitors live from the expo floor. The length of these videos vary from two minutes to multi-hour presentations - all of them free to view on their channel.
Of particular note is the three-part presentation, "Using At-Home Flight Simulation". This presentation was presented by Calum Martin (co-founder of FSElite), Sebastian Knoop-Troullier (FlightX Pilot Experience), and Ethan Hawes (Republic Airlines). These speakers discuss at length the why and how enthusiasts get into flight simulation, how to get into flying online with dozens of other simmers and/or air traffic controllers, and more details about simulation techniques related to briefings, cockpit organization, and flight planning. Explanations of how online flying networks like VATSIM, Pilot Edge, IVAO, EasternHops, and others were also explained.
This year's Flight Sim Expo is still on and is still scheduled from September 24th to September 26th, 2021. For people attending for the first time or hearing about this event for the first time this year, one of the easiest ways to see if Flight Sim Expo is for you is watching video directly from the event itself.
About the Author
Aaron "Ribbon-Blue" Mendoza

Co-founder of Skyward Flight Media. After founding Electrosphere.info, the first English Ace Combat database, he has been involved in creating flight game-related websites, communities, and events since 2005. He explores past and present flight games and simulators with his extensive collection of game consoles and computers. Read Staff Profile.