A couple of years back, there was a solid modding community for VTOL VR, but due to game updates and a lack of a concentrated community effort, problems arose and mods almost became extinct for the game, until last year. With the release of the VTOL VR Mod Loader on Steam and native Steam Workshop support, it is now easier than ever to enjoy the hard effort of some amazing creators. VTOL VR's modding scene is more alive than ever.

Nothing shows this newly founded energy than C-137's mods, specifically their F-16C Viper. To say that this mod meets the standards of functionality and tactile feel set by BD's vanilla aircraft, would be a disservice to it. This mod might just be the reason that brings me back to playing VTOL VR in a regular basis.
The cockpit, the most crucial aspect of any VR flight sim and especially one with functional tactile feel such as VTOL VR, has been masterfully modeled and done, fitting right in with the art style the game goes for. It does not feel like a mod in the slightest, aside from some very minor details, such as is the change of the starters in the start-up procedure. But even a change like that is understandable considering that no other aircraft in the vanilla game has systems like these, so adapting it to reuse preexisting code and functionality is AOK.

The fully functional MFDs, simplified systems and even added HMD functionality straight out of the F-45 give this viper a very appealing and easy to use cockpit, regardless of which mission you'll want to run with it. The visibility is amazing, as expected from an F-16. Nothing like an unimpeded view of the sky as you slam your throttle into full afterburner and climb as if you were sitting on a rocket.
The exterior also fits right in with the game's art style. It looks realistic enough to fool the eye, but not overly detailed as to not fit within the visual identity the game goes for. The visual effects are nice, the afterburner is amazing and, in general, it is indistinguishable from a vanilla asset. C-137 did an amazing job.

The mod also works in multiplayer with no issues at all, which my friends and I tried out with a 3-hour-long session. We did formation flying, cooperative strikes employing a plethora of weapons, etc. There were absolutely no issues, in the slightest.
Should you try this mod? Yes, please. Try out the Viper, give it a fair try. It is indistinguishable from a vanilla aircraft, and you can tell that it was made by someone that genuinely cares for the spirit of VTOL VR as an experience. It delivers everything you expect it to, and does it with flying colors. I am so glad that there are talented creators like C-137 in the VTOL VR community now, so expect more articles showing off more mods in the future!
About the writer

Longtime aviation fanatic with particular preference towards military aviation and its history. Said interests date back to the early 2000s, leading into his livelong dive into civil and combat flight simulators. He has been involved in a few communities, but only started being active around the mid 2010s. Joined as a Spanish to English translator in 2017, he has been active as the co-founder and writer ever since. Twitter | Discord: Cubeboy