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Thank you for 2020, now onto 2021!

Writer: Santiago "Cubeboy" CuberosSantiago "Cubeboy" Cuberos

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

This is going to be a more personal and less formal piece, as it is one that deserves a bit more emotion and openness due to the circumstances that this year brought to many of us. But this will be an article about how this year was very positive for us at Skyward and how you, our readers, have allowed us to do some pretty cool stuff with some very interesting people.

Let's start, well, from the very beginning. We rebranded from Project Lighthouse to Skyward Flight Media back in March to search of more creative freedom and a broader set of topics we could tackle aside from Ace Combat. It was a bit scary but I am glad we did it. Since then we have covered many other franchises and expanded our horizons into a more diverse and healthy pool of titles and content types.

This year we also did many interviews and collaborations, from shouting out content creators such as the Flight Sim Historian to interviewing groups such as the Frecce Tricolori Virtuali or developers like the wonderful Why485. It has been a very pleasant experience to interact with every single person or group we interviewed this year, thank you so much to everyone who accepted our proposals.

We also created different content from what we were used to back in the Project Lighthouse days, such as the series of in-depth reviews of Digital Combat Simulator: World modules that we have available. These take a lot of time to write as they require a considerable amount of research to be able to publish them up to our own standards of quality. Oh, and since I am the one that writes them, I like to give them my own personal touch my making a personalized skin for each and every single aircraft I have reviewed, with the exception of the F-5E and the MB-339 (back when it was a mod and not an upcoming module).

Here are the skins that I've created so far for review purposes; I am planning on making them available as soon as the next review is out in January 2021:

This year was also the first in which we have received press copies of games and expansions, allowing us to cover games that we wouldn't have been able to. Such was the case with Desert Wings TOBRUK, Project Wingman and IndiaFoxtEcho's MB-339 for FS2020, the first two being some of the most extensive reviews that we have on this site. These opportunities have been crucial in our growth and we appreciate them a lot.

Even though this year has been full of struggles and hardship, we were able to grow and expand in a way we were not expecting and for that, from all of the Skyward team, I want to thank everyone who read our articles and explored our website this year. It means the world to us and that is not an understatement. Now, onto more exciting things, let's take a peak into our preliminary plans moving forward into 2021! For 2021 we plan to expand our operations with more dedicated staff, and primarily a third dedicated writer. We also plan to expand our content creation to the video space around Q2 of 2021 with both casual and high production videos. These things are not set in stone but we will make sure to post updates with our plans as soon as they are set. That being said, we will be taking the first two weeks of January to plan out the year and make sure everything's being accounted for.

Screenshot by: Hueman. (Thank you, pal)

We'll be back in force on the second week of January 2021 with more articles and interviews, so be prepared for those. We'll see you next year. Cheers!


About the writer:

Santiago "Cubeboy" Cuberos

Longtime aviation fanatic with particular preference towards military aviation and its history. Said interests date back to the early 2000's leading into his livelong dive into civil and combat flight simulators. He has been involved in a few communities but only started being active around the mid 2010's. Joined as a Spanish to English translator in 2017, he has been active as a writer and content manager ever since. Twitter | Discord: Cubeboy #9034


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