CEDEC 2019: Regarding Ace Combat 7's Revolution of the Sky
Masato Kanno, the lead architect of the immersive and interactive sky found in Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. Kanno gained new experience in the development of environments using Unreal Engine 4 and trueSKY while working on Ace Combat 7. Kanno provided a lecture at CEDEC 2019 (Computer Entertainment Developers Conference) on September 4th, 2019 which provided information about the sky, clouds, its impact on game environments, truSKY program data, and more. Materials from his presentation, "Regarding Ace Combat 7's Revolution of the Sky" are now available in English, thanks to the translation efforts on TaskForce 23 which have been confirmed as accurate by Kanno himself. [READ MORE] Skyward Flight Media does not claim ownership of copyright of the source material used to create these translations.