UPDATE: 20-11-2024

Syria COIN is a cooperative multiplayer mission by Skyward Flight Media's lead Digital Combat Simulator World mission creator, Caio D. "Hueman" Barreto. The base version of the mission was created on January 2nd, 2023. During private playthroughs with Skyward staff and a few friends, it was gradually improved upon. When the decision was made to use this mission for a multiplayer event on February 11th, 2024, we also decided to release the mission for public download. It will be available both on the Skyward website and DCS User Files.
Special thanks to SweetCandyAndy and Millie for lending their voices to this video.

Problems? Email us at: staff@skywardfm.com or direct message us on Bluesky or X.com.

This mission was designed as a lower-intensity operation to allow the effective use of lower-performance aircraft such as the A-29B Super Tucano, OV-10 Bronco, and less advanced attack helicopters such as the Hind.
Likewise, the mission is centered around these aircraft - though faster and more capable aircraft are available, these are stationed in airbases further away from the operational areas. This is done to encourage the use of low-performance aircraft while still allowing those who desire to play high-performance aircraft to enjoy this mission.
Players may land and refuel in any airfield not under enemy control. However, only those airfields which have friendly forces in them can be used as CTLD troop pickup zones.
Additionally, airbases listed as capture objectives on the kneeboard have spawn slots available once captured, however these are limited to lower-performance aircraft.
Note this mission uses CTLD for JTAC lasing. Players should avoid using the standard DCS radio menu for JTACs.
Low intensity, Ground Attack-focused mission.
Fog of War is enabled. Identifying and attacking enemies will be more complex.
An opportunity for propeller-driven aircraft, light attackers and helicopters to shine.
Defend coalition outposts surrounded by insurgent forces.
Attack technical convoys, insurgent outposts, and elusive mobile mortar teams.
Change the flow of battle by striking ammunition depots and other strategic targets.
Anti-aircraft threats are limited, but watch out for MANPADS!
Player-controllable ground vehicles and CTLD allow players with Combined Arms to conduct air assault and JTAC operations.
Detailed mission background, briefing slides and kneeboards.

During the last few months, large-scale insurrections by terrorist and paramilitary organizations have broken out throughout Syria. Through coordinated attacks, they have made their way towards neighbouring countries, such as Lebanon. At request of the Lebanese government, the UN decided to launch a peacekeeping operation in Lebanon to halt the insurgents' advance. However, the peacekeeping mission's failure to accomplish this objective has resulted in the rapid escalation of troop deployment by the US, US allies, and Lebanese-allied forces.
Combat Outpost London was built by British forces to control key roads in the agriculturally relevant Lebanese Baalbek District, in an attempt to keep insurgent forces from reaching the Beqaa Valley. It is host to British, Australian, and American forces.
Yesterday, using fast-moving groups of trucks and technicals, the insurgents were able to flank the compound and establish themselves in a wide area surrounding the outpost, effectively putting it under siege. Observation Post Dublin, established by American forces and presumably so named in an attempt to piss off the British, likewise came under harassing fire from insurgents who climbed the mountain where it is located. As a result, a Coalition Joint Task Force was established to defend and reinforce COP London. That's where we come in.
Over the evening, COP London came under mortar fire from insurgent forces. Heavy damage was suffered by the outpost, and they currently find themselves in regular contact with enemy forces since dawn. In light of the heavy presence of enemy forces and small available number of Task Force reinforcements, it was decided to forward-deploy an Air Support element led by the US Air Force Special Operations Command to Rayak Air Base.
At the same time, insurgent activities also ticked up throughout the region, particularly in Syria, where insurgent forces have taken several key cities near the Lebanese and Turkish borders. As a result, the Syrian government, as well as other governments in the region have likewise sought international assistance, and are in talks with Coalition members to negotiate joint operations.
Defend Combat Outpost London (PRIMARY OBJECTIVE)
Support Observation Post Dublin
Push Insurgent Forces Back from Al Qusayr
Push Insurgent Forces Back from Hama
Push Insurgent Forces Back from Abu Al-Duhur
Push Insurgent Forces Back from Jirah
Destroy Insurgent Supply Depot
Destroy Insurgent Silkworm Battery
Destroy Insurgent Headquarters

Task Force air support elements stationed at Rayak are to provide air support to all friendly ground forces in the TO. The protection of Combat Outpost London is top priority.
Two Quick Reaction Force vehicle platoons have been deployed to Rayak by transport aircraft and are heading towards COP London to reinforce and relieve friendly forces currently fighting at the outpost. They are likely to encounter fierce enemy opposition on their way to the outpost, since insurgents have set up roadblocks and heavily defended checkpoints in local roads.
The main threats to COP London are insurgent mortar teams, moving fast with the use of pickup trucks. Operating independently, these mortar teams have proven difficult to track and have caused most of the casualties at COP London. Their effectiveness has so far been hampered by their lack of communication and fire correction - However, intelligence reports have emerged which indicate the insurgents are commandeering helicopters and even civilian general aviation/sports aircraft at the airports and airbases they have captured.
Though the effectiveness of their operation is questionable and the direct threat these aircraft pose to coalition forces should be minimal, it is believed the insurgents plan on using these aircraft as artillery spotters for their mortar teams. If they succeed in this employment, mortar fire on COP London will be utterly devastating. As such, upon positively identifying ANY aircraft in the TO as having hostile intentions, Task Force aircraft are to shoot them down before they are able to get within visual range of COP London.
OP Dublin should be able to fend off hostile infantry attacks on their position, however Task Force aircraft should seek to assist them if resources are available. OP Dublin is critical to this operation as its location in very high terrain provides excellent visibility over COP London, allowing JTACs on Dublin to lase and direct friendly aircraft to mortar teams and vehicle convoys approaching COP London.
It is suspected the insurgents have set up camp in the mountains to the northwest of OP Dublin, and are using it as an ammunition storage and rallying point. The location and destruction of this camp is likely to reduce the intensity of enemy attacks on Dublin.
While making sure to defend COP London, Coalition air power is to destroy three key insurgent targets in Syria:
- Supply Depot. This well-defended supply base has allowed insurgent forces to benefit from Army-level logistics and has enabled them to operate across a vast area. Destroying this supply depot is expected to severely reduce their ability to operate in areas far-flung from their main control centers, particularly more supply-intensive units such as artillery.
- Silkworm Battery. Insurgents have captured a container ship with weapon supplies bound for Syria and, seeking to avoid confrontation with Syrian and Coalition navies, set up harbor in a small island off the Syrian coast. SIGINT and sattelite images have confirmed the existence of a Silkworm anti-ship missile battery on this island, which has prompted the American naval assets to stay further away from the coast. Eliminating this threat will allow the US Carrier Battlegroup to relocate closer to the coastline.
- Insurgent Headquarters. Insurgent forces have captured the strategically relevent Tabqa Dam and set up headquarters in its neighbourings. This area is very heavily defended and SIGINT reports suggest the insurgents have been able to activate SA-2 and SA-3 surface-to-air missile systems in the neighbouring Tabqa airbase. They are also rumoured to be operating L-39 Albatros light attack aircraft off Tabqa but these reports have not been confirmed. Destroying the HQ is likely to degrade the insurgents' capability to deploy coordinated strike convoys and organize large-scale operations.
Additionally, in the interest of ensuring the safety of Coalition forces in Lebanon and at the request of the Syrian government, Task Force aircraft are to push insurgent forces off key cities throughout Syria. These are: Al Qusayr, Hama, Abu Al-Duhur, and Jirah. Hama in particular has been heavily damaged in recent battles and insurgent forces have been able to establish a strong hold over the city. Expect enemy resistance and heavy anti-aircraft artillery. Insurgents have captured many Syrian military installations, in particular air defense brigades and the National Air Defense Academy east of Al Qusayr. Though they are not believed to be capable of operating large numbers of the SAM systems they've captured, they are confirmed to be using large numbers of Soviet-era 23mm, 57mm and 100mm anti-aircraft guns, as well as modern MANPADS and Soviet-era IR-guided SHORADS.
Upon liberating these cities, US AFSOC units are to establish forward operating bases on their local airports, allowing light attack aircraft and helicopters to reach further into insurgent-controlled territory.
The city of Palmyra is currently a fierce battleground between insurgents, Syrian government forces, and other factions also fighting the insurgents. Insurgents have taken control of the ancient Palmyra Castle, an UNESCO World Heritage Site, and are using it as a fortified observation post. Coalition forces are advised to avoid confrontation in this area if possible, and exercise extreme caution if insurgents in this area need to be engaged.

The mission editor created four custom kneeboards for this mission. They are available mid-mission by pressing (RShift + K) during the mission. They can also be downloaded as separate files from the image gallery below:

Coalition Joint Task Force Headquarters
JTAC Moonbeam 1-1
At OP Dublin
Laser Code 1688
Watching over COP London, designating vehicles and spotting mortar fire over the AO.
JTAC Moonbeam 2-1
At OP Dublin
Laser Code 1686
Targets marked with Red Smoke
Providing Close-In designation on infantry targets attacking OP Dublin
JTAC Badger 1-1
At COP London
Laser Code 1684
Targets marked with Red Smoke
Providing Close-In designation on any target attacking COP London
Texaco 1-1
231 MHz AM -
Orbiting over Tripoli
Texaco 2-1
232 MHz AM
Orbiting over Tripoli
Shell 1-1
233 MhZ AM
Orbiting over Hatay
Shell 2-1
234 MHz AM
Orbiting over Hatay
- US Army M2A2 Bradleys and M1A2 Abrams at Al Tanf available at Task Force commander's discretion
- USMC LAV-7A1 Amtracs at Beirut available at Task Force commander's discretion
- HMMWVs with TOW launchers and Stryker IFVs held in reserve at Rayak, available at Task Force commander's discretion
- Turkish Army 5th Armored Brigade on standby at Gaziantep, may be called in at Task Force Commander's discretion
Apart from aircraft available at Rayak, the main Task Force airbase:
- Attack and AFAC aircraft stationed at Beirut are available for tasking if necessary.
- USMC AV-8B Harriers aboard the LHA-1 Tarawa, currently moored at Beirut harbor, are available.
- The CVN-74 Carrier Battlegroup is stationed between Cyprus and the Syrian coast. VFA-97 F/A-18C Hornets are available for CAS duties and VF-143 F-14B Tomcats with LANTIRN pods are available for AFAC and reconnaissance duties.
- Coalition and NATO aircraft based at Incirlik and RAF Akrotiri are available. Turkish aircraft at Hatay are available for tasking.
- Support may be requested from Israeli aircraft based at Ramat David and attack helicopters based at Rosh Pina.
- Support may be requested from Jordanian fast jets operating from King Hussein Air College near the Syrian border.
- Syrian Air Force aircraft may be operating over the AO. They are likely to be attacking the same targets as Coalition aircraft in Syrian airspace.